Monday, October 5, 2015

Week 11 : Force Connection Part II

This week class activity is the follow up of force connection lesson, where we are supposed to make three product ideas that use principle of force connection.

We were asked to put out all the stuffs from our bag to the table so we might get inspired from what we see and think of something out of it.

We should ask ourselves about how is it going to work and what is it going to be compatible with, and all other following question to get our products more advanced, and different than others been invented.

Rima was excited with her ideas
Rima's raw concept product sketch.

Rima and Geraldine was posing under the new born product of our mind. It is a tent-umbrella, which understood the problem of getting splashed by rain, so we invented this to cover the whole body from rain splash, without losing the sight as we would put lamp on it too.

went on inventing new things, came up with three in one make up, which has mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick in it. It aims to prevent bulkiness in the bag when we carry our make up. It is easy to carry and easy to use.

We felt so pleased and proud of our own selves whenever we come up with great ideas and keep making them greater through our discussion. We came up with three in one make up, portable chair bag, and tent-umbrella.

It realizes me that there is so many things that we can actually do. We can really make our ideas into real product, in this era so many services are served to support our ideas into real products

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 10 : Force Connection Part I

Force connection is one of way to solve a problem by making connection of two different items, so it will turn multi functional. It is like a follow up of analogical thinking but this time it needs to be created into a real usable object.

the following pictures are sample of the product.

Teapot + Handle
Source :

Inventor found that tea is often spilled when poured from hot pot, because it has no handle which makes it stable. That is how things created, by observation and followed up with action to make it more functional.

Bath tub + storage
source :

We want things to be neat, and efficient. When something has space inside it, why don't we stuff it?

glue stick + butter
source :

We need to prepare few items while spreading butter. Such as butter knife, and butter. It is much simpler to have only one thing which can replace the function of the butter knife, in an effective way. Which apparently by using the concept of glue stick.

what I feel about force connection is how two or multi 'different' items can be turned into one item and support one bigger function which gives more experience for the user in an efficient way. The things around us that we know as one item is not as it used to be before. It is a product of ongoing creative thinking process, that they improve to be something that we use daily. Such as car, which substantial component was wheels and seat, now it has so many things in it. The things that we see now won't just stop there, they will be developed into something unexpected.

the world is keep moving, machines are taking over, and human should level up their competence higher, not to compete with the machines, but to have ideas and create something which machine can not do. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Week 9 : Analogical Thinking apart II

Simile is an expression of comparing two different object which character has similarity. Simile uses connecting word such as like and as. For example, she is as active as a rabbit, or they fought like cat and dog.

Metaphor is an expression to emphasize the statement using the word of different object. for example, "my heart was torn into pieces". Many piece of work use metaphor, be it in writing or visual image. Perhaps what we see in most piece of modern art gallery adopt the concept of metaphor too.
In class we had an activity of filling up quiz to understand more about simile and metaphor. There was around 20 numbers for each type of one to six.The quiz went like this.

 This is a good way to exercise the mind.
 The more we can find relation of objects, the easier it is to express things accurately.

Sometimes our brains are tricked by our vision

 This is when the word got a little bit more tricky.

What I have learned is that the more you can associate thing, the better you get in expressing things, be it through picture or writing. The better you express yourself, the easier it is to get the message delivered to the viewer or audience. Perhaps we have seen many works applying simile and metaphor in our daily life, but we are not really sensitive about it. Understanding and practicing simile and metaphor are significant in stimulating great ideas to come for artist in general, resulting greater piece of work which has stronger meaning.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week 8 : SAM museum

In this activity, we went individually to SAM museum to apply what we know about analogical thinking. We were to find objects that has hidden emotion in it.








I think the best way to get the emotion from every piece is not by thinking about it because it kills the real emotion, the best thing is by seeing it and feel and sense. Weird how the way they put the color, the way it was positioned, the materials used, the light, and all of that visual element brings out certain nuance.

If we are sensitive with surrounding, we will be aware of million of emotion around us, and it made us a better person by understanding. In design aspect, we will become more sensitive in putting design element, principle, that delivers the message accurately. In dainly life, we will know what is needed, and how to respond properly certain situation.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Week 7 : Analogical Thinking

Analogical thinking is a way of think by seeing relation between two very different things.

In the class exercise, we were asked to train ourselves to think analogically. We were asked to draw 15 pieces of three items (5 pieces for each) that reflects some selected emotions without directly showing a face. the emotions are : Anxiety, Depressed, Fear, Shocked, Stressed, Happy, Calm.




this way of thinking is good to improve the sense of surrounding and proceed it through some thinking process, resulting something new. By being able to think analogically, we open ourselves to be inspired by the simplest thing that we come up with, the most natural source which mostly is unexpected. Helicopter out of dragonfly, Submarine out of whale, and so on and so on. which how most innovation were done. To be able thinking this way, we have to practice it a lot, so the ideas might come more and more advanced.

I love those exercise which pictures I put above. Because to make it that way, I had to sense what those emotions are like, sometimes they popped in clarity, but the other times they popped in form of blurred visualization in my mind. I had a moment to dig it out to see it clearly and finally pour them out into drawings.  

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Week 6 : Lateral Thinking

In this week we had interesting class activity related to lateral thinking. Lateral thinking, in a simple way is using imagination to see the problem from other perspective.

The first exercise was connecting 9 dots in one line without lifting the pencil.

The second one was to make one continuous line without lifting the pencil.

the third one, we were given a case of a bee that went in the house through window and went straight to a painting of roses hanging on whiteboard, passing a fresh rose inside the vase. Why would the bee prefer painting instead of rose in the vase?

-the painting has more rose than the one in the vase
-its sense of smell has got broken
-some of its body system/organ got broken so it only could fly straight
-the vase smelled so strong that it hides the smell of rose
-the fresh rose was picked
-the chemical smell of the painting was strong that it blur the bee's receptors signal.
-it was a young rose in the vase (doesn't produce nectar)
-It was not a honey bee
-the bee had enough nectar already
-the kind of flowers on the painting was known producing more nectar than rose

-it was 3d painting
-the roses in painting was much more vibrant
-there was honey drops in painting
-The bee was excited because it was huge painting!
-The artist used honey instead of oil
-the bee was born this way
-the white board where the painting was hang made the bee think it was outdoor
-the bee is a collector
-The bee is more into visual
-the bee suffered stiff neck

Lateral thinking made us think the other side rather than one most people would focus on, so the solving would be most likely much more creative and innovative, where it fits the world nowadays that has such a huge demands on everything.

This remind me of my teacher back then, who was not into book at all but appear really smart, and he was not just theorizing, he was really thinking about one case and compare it to other to find a bridge. The way he learned was by being observant of the current issue, asking opinion of other student in a way that he was really willing to learn, and watched TV. Yet I can say that his perspective of seeing the world was so smart and genuine. I think if we are willing to learn, we can make everything around us into something valuable.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Week 5 : Mindmapping

This mindmapping technique helps to think more specificly about something, drilling out what we know about something, and finally we usually can come up with what we did not realize before. Especially done in group, because working in group helps a lot in building the ideas. Thinking in details help our brain to understand what is exactly we have to do next to reach our goal in life, what phases should we get through. The colors and images itself evoke our eyes to read every words.

It also gave me some reflection how what I wrote there mostly has not been applied in my life. I think I have not put enough action and mindset to work on the step toward those " happy life". it made me realize that life goes so fast and every second counts, what I'm not doing now might bring me regret tomorrow. I have to open my eyes more so I’d be opened with more chances. So I'd better be more serious in applying things that support my happy life.

I am an art student now, so I might have some keywords there checklisted, but when it goes to detail like how students gonna lead us to future life,I think I have not yet prepared enough. I should have more passion in learning. Not just for grade, but also to open up my mind more and more.